Attorney at Law
- Practice:
Medical law / Civil law / Commercial law - maria.wielgosz@wielgosziwspolnicy.eu
Attorney at Law, General Partner of the Law Firm.
Maria Wielgosz has been dealing with economic issues, including commercial law, services for company bodies, contracts, and liability of company bodies for years. She participates in economic mediation and proceedings before commercial courts. She has extensive experience in providing legal services to companies from the construction, warehouse and commercial sectors.
She specializes in medical law. She deals with the responsibility of the medical entity for a medical error and violation of patients’ rights. She successfully appears before the courts, the Patient Ombudsman, and the Provincial Commission for Adjudication on Medical Events. Since 2008, she has been providing and coordinating legal assistance for public and commercial medical entities in the field of hospital, care and treatment and outpatient treatment as well as issues of medical professions.
She also deals with the consequences of abusive clauses in consumer contracts and the invalidity of bank loan agreements granted in CHF. She has vast experience in the field of protection of personal rights and intellectual property rights as well as liability for damage. She also advises on family and property matters.
She serves on supervisory boards of joint-stock companies. She ran the Polish Branch of the Law Firm Boyer Clement Pegand S.E.L.C.A. She is a lecturer in specialist courses for medical professions, the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce speeches during missions organized in Ukraine, a lecturer in law at the University of Humanities in Pułtusk.
She is fluent in English and communicative in Russian.
She has graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and post-graduate studies at the WSB University in Poznań. A Legal Counsel – the member of the District Chamber of Legal Counsels in Warsaw.