Attorney at Law apprentice
He has several years of practical experience in awarding public contracts in healthcare entities and experience in managing public procurement departments at contracting authorities, including one of the largest hospitals in Poland. He supervised the award of public contracts in large infrastructure projects, one of which was awarded the Crystal of Public Tenders in 2017 – https://nagroda.przetargipubliczne.pl
He worked on the implementation of research and development and investment projects co-financed by the European Union.
A lecturer at postgraduate studies, an advisor, the consultant in the field of application of the provisions of public procurement law.
He has completed post-graduate MBA studies for Medical Staff at Kozminski University, Faculty of Law at SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences in Warsaw, Center for Local Government Studies and Local Development at the University of Warsaw (currently the Faculty of Law and Administration).
He has a good command of English at the communicative level.
Attorney at Law apprentice at the District Chamber of Legal Counsels in Warsaw.